Archive | Accountable Marketing

28 January 2009 ~ 10 Comments

On CMOs, Customer Service, and Birthing Elephants

If you’ve been to one of our trainings over the past few years, or seen any of us present at a conference, you’ve probably heard the line about the average tenure of a Chief Marketing Officer being less than the gestation period of an elephant.  Well, it’s time for some new material.  New research from […]

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22 January 2009 ~ 14 Comments

When the little things matter most

Transparency. Speed. “We” are smarter than “Me”. Interconnectivity. These are just a few of the staples of the digital world in which we now live, and each present opportunities for success, or potholes that must be navigated around as business owners & brands interact with their audience, prospects and customers. Consider three brand interactions I […]

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21 May 2008 ~ 8 Comments

3 Great (and Quick) Optimization Reads from Omniture

Yesterday’s visit to the Omniture Industry Insights blog gave me a one-stop-shop for fodder on marketing optimization tactics and strategy worth sharing (and a personal opportunity to apologize to boot!). First up, John Broady writes about 5 fundamentals for improving the ROI from landing pages. This has long been a popular topic, yet, sadly, it’s […]

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05 February 2008 ~ 1 Comment

Finding Signal in the “Microhoo” Echo Chamber

I guess last Friday was a slow news day; GrokDotCom and 155 of our closest blogging and media friends “broke” the big news. Yawn. (I’m guessing Google execs wished they’d released earnings then, rather than the day before 😉 ) Look on the bright side: For followers of the online space, if you didn’t like […]

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15 August 2007 ~ 4 Comments

Boost Your Ads: A 3-Step Challenge (Not for the Meek)

1) Become “intelligent”. Measure the current number of people you persuade to take the action you derive revenue from, not merely those you attract. Do you convert 10% or better? 2) Hold yourself accountable. Stop whining about the rising costs of media, the ineffectiveness of channels, and pining for more results; it won’t get you […]

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02 July 2007 ~ 30 Comments

2 Ways to Get Started With Personas (Part 2)

Regular readers of GrokDotCom, or any of our best-selling books, heartily agree: people do things according to their own motivations. And in this unprecedented day of empowered consumers, “selling” to customers is 100% about facilitating their buying process. Any attempts to pitch (or push) products in ways that aren’t transparent, genuine, relevant or salient will […]

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29 June 2007 ~ 19 Comments

2 Ways to Get Started With Personas (Part 1)

I was having a conversation with the experience team at a major “entertainment” company after my presentation at the Internet Retailer conference a few weeks back. We were discussing ways they could get started on Personas, and how to overcome the challenges they’d faced thus far. Given that this dialog took place just off-stage, we […]

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04 May 2007 ~ 20 Comments

What Books are Floating Around Your Office?

It’s not only preschoolers who enjoy a good game of you show me yours, I’ll show you mine 😉 While randomly strolling through the Future Now offices, there’s a vast array of books teammates are currently ensconced in. Here’s five: Made to Stick, by the brothers Heath. We know a thing or two about getting […]

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13 April 2007 ~ 2 Comments

The Future of Marketing

I’m finally back in NYC after a restless traveling spree this past month, and I come bearing gifts: an easily download-able broadcast of Jeffrey Eisenberg discussing the future of marketing, and planning for the accountability this future requires. I had the pleasure of spending a few days with Jeffrey and Sondra down south at one […]

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21 March 2007 ~ 2 Comments

What’s New on Your iPod?

Spending a few hours helping the “Mrs.” set up her new iPod Shuffle this weekend made me realize how slack I’ve been at downloading and listening to all my favorite podcasts (Sorry Jaffe). Here’s what I’m listening to this week: 1) Harvard Business Review Ideacast: Episode 34 (iTunes link) Tom Davenport and Jeanne Harris, co-authors […]

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