Archive | January, 2006

21 January 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Does your product solve my problem?

Reading last week on Working Knowledge @ Harvard I came across a gem of an article from quite a collection of minds- the uber-smart author of the Innovator’s Dilemma, the co-founder of Intuit, and the Chief Strategy Officer of the Advertising Research Federation.  What drew me in was this editor’s note: Marketers have lost the […]

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01 January 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Victoria’s Real Secret

Lay down a good scent trail to sustain momentum beyond your banner ad People are bombarded by advertisements. The things are everywhere – blazoned on surfaces from taxicab roofs to bathroom stalls. And banner ads appear on virtually every website with traffic worth talking about. But the ad isn’t an end unto itself. It’s great […]

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