Archive | April, 2006

24 April 2006 ~ 2 Comments

Sex in the city?

I awoke at 7:15 this morning, exhausted from yet another weekend juggling family & friends in town, squeezing out the last 15 hours of the work week that couldn’t be fit into 5 workdays, and barely sitting down long enough to catch the Sopranos.  The first thing greeting me in my inbox was the same […]

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19 April 2006 ~ 2 Comments

Conversion or Persuasion- where in the funnel is your problem?

Today was a busy day in the office, and one in which meetings were back to back, to back.  I started talking with my CFO, took a detour to meet with a potential partner, and ended the day spending time with some new (and potential) clients.  Very different audiences, yet one common discussion kept popping […]

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07 April 2006 ~ 4 Comments

The tail wags the dog…

In the next edition of our newsletter, GrokDotCom, John Quarto-vonTivadar and I co-wrote a piece discussing the comedy of errors that ensues when having your report jockey advise you on business decisions.  Here’s the article, hot off the press: The Great Debate or, “When All You Have is a Reporter, Every Analysis Looks like A […]

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01 April 2006 ~ 2 Comments

Re-Tales: Jos. A. Bank

File under: When will they ever learn I’m at home visiting my parents this weekend, and to meet with clients in Boston early next week.  I unpacked my bag and found my jacket to be overwhelmingly wrinkled.  Getting it pressed in time for Monday AM is probably an option… but so is simply buying a […]

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