Archive | October, 2008

30 October 2008 ~ 9 Comments

When Consumer Confidence is Low…

Guess what becomes more important? Yup, conversion. As online marketers are forced to reign in their spending (along with just about everyone else today), many may be tempted to cut their optimization budgets. After all, optimizing a website is w_o_r_k. It’s far easier to simply buy more traffic, when you need to generate greater profits. […]

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21 October 2008 ~ 20 Comments

Has Social Media killed blogging?

Argh. Wired’s (and Valleywag) Paul Boutin writes a eulogy for Blogs. Link-bait? Probably, but he certainly raised the ire of several in the online community, myself included. Heck, he even got me to crawl out from the rock I was hiding these past few months and pen a few words of commentary, in defense of […]

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