Archive | March, 2006

31 March 2006 ~ Comments Off on Who says nothing in life is FREE?

Who says nothing in life is FREE?

Have you missed us at the soon to be completed Ad:tech 1mpact series?  We were in 10 cities… shame on you.  Just to show we’re softies at heart, we’ll let you in on a little secret… Bryan Eisenberg is keynoting the eComXpo next week, and it’s FREE, and you can attend without leaving your desk! […]

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08 March 2006 ~ 4 Comments

If you fail to plan success in advance, how do you know when you’ve arrived?

Chief Marketer has an eye-opening for some, sad for others, (but hardly surprising from this corner) article on many CMOs utter lack of ability to measure what they must- marketing ROI, specifically that of the online variety.  We’re getting tired of speaking over the dull roar of today’s online successes, regaling tales of traffic cost […]

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