Archive | March, 2007

21 March 2007 ~ 2 Comments

What’s New on Your iPod?

Spending a few hours helping the “Mrs.” set up her new iPod Shuffle this weekend made me realize how slack I’ve been at downloading and listening to all my favorite podcasts (Sorry Jaffe). Here’s what I’m listening to this week: 1) Harvard Business Review Ideacast: Episode 34 (iTunes link) Tom Davenport and Jeanne Harris, co-authors […]

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14 March 2007 ~ 5 Comments

In Defense of Big, Bad, Google ;)

From the files of: When Passive Verbs Happen to Good People. Recently, the WSJ (subscriber link) served up the ultimate in passive, poor me, whining. When Matt Cutts is getting quoted in the Journal, isn’t it possible we’ve gone just a bit too far? I mean, seriously, it’s a wonder the world managed to have […]

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06 March 2007 ~ 4 Comments

Automated Revenue and Profit Lift?

In the wake of Omniture’s acquisition of Touch Clarity, pundits have weighed in on the lofty claims made in the acquisition press release: Omniture and Touch Clarity have joined forces to enhance online business optimization—bringing together the power of Web analytics and advanced behavioral targeting technology. The combined technology delivers automated revenue and profit uplift […]

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02 March 2007 ~ 7 Comments

Do Message Boards Equal Community?

Don’t you just love buzzwords? In the 80’s, “synergy” was one of my favs. When Nasdaq was a tad closer to 5,000 than it is today, thinking “outside the box” meant you were someone who “got it”. Yesterday, I was hard pressed to choose between “long tail” and “Web 2.0”. But today, Web 2.0 is […]

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01 March 2007 ~ 3 Comments

Godin on Surprising Broca

Seth had a short but impactful post on his blog earlier this week, about cutting through the clutter of every day life. He wrote: “But if you want the word to spread, if you expect me to take action I’ve never taken before, it seems to me that you need to do something that hasn’t […]

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