Archive | July, 2007

23 July 2007 ~ 6 Comments

Better “Usability” Isn’t Always the Answer

About a month ago, I had the opportunity to speak to a group of Usability professionals. The theme of my talk was getting them to raise the bar within their industry; to become true advocates for consumers like they should be. Yes, consumers, not “users”. B2B, b2C, self-service, e-commerce, video, web2.0, no matter the focus […]

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19 July 2007 ~ 4 Comments

“If Clicks Were Votes” — President Giuliani?

Reading Techmeme on Tuesday, I came across the Compete blog, and these fabulous images related to the upcoming presidential election: If you’re interested in their analysis, read the full post; it’s excellent stuff. It’s also a great example of the speed with which we move these days. Michele’s earlier post about Twittering with John Edwards […]

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10 July 2007 ~ 2 Comments

MLB Launches Multi-Channel Consumer-Generated Campaign

Tuning in to tonight’s Major League Baseball All-Star Game? If you do, keep your eyes peeled for the formal promos of MLB’s consumer-generated website I’m sure we’ll all be sick of it come October (the promos, that is, not the site itself). Longtime readers know I’ve often been skeptical of MLBAM (the digital arm […]

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09 July 2007 ~ 19 Comments

Jakob Nielsen on Blogging: Don’t Do It!

Today’s Alertbox from Uncle Jakob arrived in my inbox, and as usual, I scanned the headline and summary in the preview pane before deciding whether today was a day I had the 20 – 30 minutes necessary to digest his topic du jour. Here’s his subject & summary: Subject: Write Articles, Not Blog Postings Summary: […]

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02 July 2007 ~ 30 Comments

2 Ways to Get Started With Personas (Part 2)

Regular readers of GrokDotCom, or any of our best-selling books, heartily agree: people do things according to their own motivations. And in this unprecedented day of empowered consumers, “selling” to customers is 100% about facilitating their buying process. Any attempts to pitch (or push) products in ways that aren’t transparent, genuine, relevant or salient will […]

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