Archive | Articles

10 October 2007 ~ 10 Comments

Traffic Delusion and Social Networking Insanity

“Advertising only accelerates the inevitable” –Roy H. Williams In Roy’s practice, advertising builds brands and drives traffic for his offline clients. Roy cautions his clients not to get ahead of themselves. If all the traffic (read: visitors) he drives get what they expected, then the business grows organically from repeat customers and word-of-mouth. If these […]

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05 September 2007 ~ 27 Comments

“Eyetracking, Heatmaps & Gaze Plots!” Oh My…

All you heatmap lovers out there, Uncle Jakob (Nielsen) has a great new post for you. Today’s Alertbox features a topic near and dear to the Grok’s heart: the overuse of fancy words in Web copy. These “dollar words” are truly excellent… at going over your audiences’ heads while keeping them from accomplishing their goals […]

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02 July 2007 ~ 30 Comments

2 Ways to Get Started With Personas (Part 2)

Regular readers of GrokDotCom, or any of our best-selling books, heartily agree: people do things according to their own motivations. And in this unprecedented day of empowered consumers, “selling” to customers is 100% about facilitating their buying process. Any attempts to pitch (or push) products in ways that aren’t transparent, genuine, relevant or salient will […]

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29 June 2007 ~ 19 Comments

2 Ways to Get Started With Personas (Part 1)

I was having a conversation with the experience team at a major “entertainment” company after my presentation at the Internet Retailer conference a few weeks back. We were discussing ways they could get started on Personas, and how to overcome the challenges they’d faced thus far. Given that this dialog took place just off-stage, we […]

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01 January 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Victoria’s Real Secret

Lay down a good scent trail to sustain momentum beyond your banner ad People are bombarded by advertisements. The things are everywhere – blazoned on surfaces from taxicab roofs to bathroom stalls. And banner ads appear on virtually every website with traffic worth talking about. But the ad isn’t an end unto itself. It’s great […]

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