Archive | Personas

13 February 2012 ~ 58 Comments

Which Type Am I? Thoughts on Personas & Personality Type

Isn’t it interesting to site back and watch the old become new again? While speaking with marketers after my session on Personas at Conversion Conference, it seemed to me a trend was (re)gaining traction.  Over the past few months, the digital community at large has taken up the Personas mantle, and there have been many […]

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02 July 2007 ~ 30 Comments

2 Ways to Get Started With Personas (Part 2)

Regular readers of GrokDotCom, or any of our best-selling books, heartily agree: people do things according to their own motivations. And in this unprecedented day of empowered consumers, “selling” to customers is 100% about facilitating their buying process. Any attempts to pitch (or push) products in ways that aren’t transparent, genuine, relevant or salient will […]

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29 June 2007 ~ 19 Comments

2 Ways to Get Started With Personas (Part 1)

I was having a conversation with the experience team at a major “entertainment” company after my presentation at the Internet Retailer conference a few weeks back. We were discussing ways they could get started on Personas, and how to overcome the challenges they’d faced thus far. Given that this dialog took place just off-stage, we […]

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30 June 2006 ~ 0 Comments

My brother works in computers!

Don’t you just love what the penetration of broadband and the web has done to us?  When Jeffrey and Bryan started Future Now in the late 90’s, one very real challenge they faced was the "my [insert distant relative here] is in computers" syndrome (note: the third-cousin-twice-removed wasn’t in marketing though 😉  Now that Bryan […]

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13 June 2006 ~ 4 Comments

Stray cats barking throughout the office!

Well forgive the shameless plug, but we’re finally 100% publicly shipping our latest book Waiting for Your Cat to Bark: Persuading Customers When They Ignore Marketing.  Amazon, BN and Sam’s Club jumped the gun a bit, but we forgive their exhuberance.  After all, there’s probably no better time to start shipping than when a book […]

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25 May 2006 ~ 2 Comments

To think like a Persuasion Architect…

start by studying Emotions.  Watch people.  Interact.  Communicate.  Experience.  Feel.  Poke.  Prod.  Ask different questions, look from different angles.  Sound daunting?  It doesn’t have to be… and more tools are coming.

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22 June 2005 ~ 0 Comments

How can you design Personae if you don’t understand them?

Don’t get us wrong, we love when people catch on to the need for designing to your visitors (and do it right), but sometimes we can’t help but chuckle at other executions. Personas allow you to answer your visitors’ questions through language and structures that help them make their decisions. So, if you were looking […]

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