13 February 2012 ~ 58 Comments

Which Type Am I? Thoughts on Personas & Personality Type

Isn’t it interesting to site back and watch the old become new again? While speaking with marketers after my session on Personas at Conversion Conference, it seemed to me a trend was (re)gaining traction.  Over the past few months, the digital community at large has taken up the Personas mantle, and there have been many […]

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14 May 2007 ~ 9 Comments

Jakob Nielsen on Everyone’s Favorite Buzzword: “Web 2.0”

From Today’s BBC, as pointed out by Jakob himself in his newsletter (emphasis mine): Sadly, said Mr Nielsen, the rush to embrace Web 2.0 technology meant that many firms were turning their back on the basics. “They should get the basics right first,” he said. “Sadly most websites do not have those primary things right.“ […]

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