It’s begining to look a lot like Christmas
The latest Wordtracker top 300 surge report confirms the holiday season has more than officially begun. Searches for Christmas are in the top 10, Christmas gifts into the top 50, even Christmas wallpaper making an appearance at 170 (just ahead of Brooke Burke, sadly). It’s crunch time for all those b2c retailers out there.
For many of our Conversion Analysts, these next few weeks offer an opportunity to check out the bigger picture. They’ve relentlessly pushed to get all their website conversion assessments out the door in time for action to be taken before the holidays. Now they’ll get to do what they like to do most, see what people who don’t pay our salaries are doing in the online b2c space, and comment (sometimes loudly). The names will not be changed to protect the guilty!
Over the next few weeks, we’ll be bringing you Tales from the Conversion Assessment System, a holiday inspired look at the big boys and their ability to rake in revenues when it matters most. We bring you